Science Partnerships

We work with academic institutions, state and federal agencies, non-profits, and private companies to develop the latest actionable science that helps Blue Forest understand, quantify, and community the benefits of ecosystem restoration.
For the initial Yuba FRBs, we worked with the Sierra Nevada Research Institute to quantify the water supply benefits of forest restoration. This analysis was critical for demonstrating the project benefits for Yuba Water and engaging them in the Forest Resilience Bond.
For benefit modeling, whenever possible, we partner with researchers who are geographically co-located with our projects, understanding that local knowledge of the landscape is critical to accurately understanding the ecosystem and potential project benefits. In California, we work with the Center for Ecosystem Climate Solutions and their data atlas to quantify water supply and other benefits for utilities and corporations across California. In Washington, we partner with the Pacific Northwest National Lab to quantify water benefits in watersheds within the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest.
All of our research projects are also done in partnership. We investigate a wide range of ecosystem restoration topics, requiring us to lean on the vast expertise of our partners. We partner with non-profits, like the California Council on Science and Technology, with whom we collaboratively produced a policy-relevant report on the wildfire smoke impacts on human health. We also work closely with academics, for example in our paper on the multiple benefits of forest restoration and our wood products research.