Upper Butte Creek
Lassen National Forest
Photo courtesy of Butte County RCD

Butte Creek supports the largest self-sustaining, naturally spawning, wild population of spring-run Chinook salmon in the Central Valley of California.
Blue Forest is exploring the feasibility of a Forest Resilience Bond (FRB), pending a signed National Environmental Policy Act Record of Decision, on the Lassen National Forest in northern California, which would support treatments within the Upper Butte Creek Watershed as part of the Upper Butte Creek Forest Health Project. Blue Forest recognizes that the project area makes up the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary homelands of the Mountain Maidu, Konkow Maidu, and Yana Peoples, who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial. Our partners hold relationships with local Native Nations and organizations and explore meaningful partnership opportunities across projects.
The Upper Butte Creek Forest Health Project would restore nearly 20,000 acres within the watershed, including treatments such as thinning, prescribed burning, meadow and aspen restoration, and trail development. Additionally, a portion of the project area would include reforestation and other post-fire restoration treatments in the footprint of the 2021 Dixie Fire. This project is expected to protect water supply, increase community and ecosystem resilience and protection from catastrophic fire, protect and support biodiversity in the area, and improve recreation.